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Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Lamb at last

At times we have had so many Chicken drumsticks that the kids beg not to be fed them again, at other times we eat lamb every day. It all depends what there is surplus off and what isn't selling. The 'isn't selling thing' has no rhyme or reason, it may be the weather or may be just that the Saturday papers have a must cook recipe for chicken thighs, so we have all the drummers left!
Lately I have been missing lamb, there's non in the freezer and as the grass hasn't been growing we've not had any finished & ready to kill. Most years where we are in Devon there is always some grass, but this year the cold and wet just stopped anything green. As our sheep are only ever fed fresh organic grass, never coming inside on silage and concentrates, we have had to wait.
At last with the better weather we have started killing lambs again and its great to be having Chops, lamb mince and a roast leg in the last week...I promise not to moan this time.

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