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Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Goat, lamb & Veal chop feast

One of the best bits of farmers markets is trading some of your own goodies for the other stall holders. As a grower and seller of meat we only eat our own fantastic produce, so it was a real treat to swap some goat for some Rose veal from Bocaddon Farm Veal 
It takes a lot to feed our mob and Martin our French Agri student so we had a Chop feast with goat, lamb and veal chops. The veal chops were like mini T bones and we opted for the cutlet or hockey stick chops of goat and lamb. A good squeeze of lemon juice and a handful of English sea salt then we roasted them in the oven although if you are an adventerous type cooking over wood fired BBQ would be ideal.
So which was best? No one could decide, but then that's normal in this house were there is always 7 different opinons but there was total agreement on the best way of eating a chop. It may not be pretty but picking it up and chewing the bone has to be the most satisfying!
And the veal was great and its ethical. Dora has been inspired to grow some of her own after going to Exeter livestock market and seeing holstein bull calves going for as little as £2, but she needs to do some research first as I can see any hand reared calves becoming sacred pets at Higher Fingle if we are not careful. Maybe it would be best to keep swapping!