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Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Devonshire Goat Hotpot

Easter holidays saw my cooking numbers swell to 9, thats only 2 more but it seemed to make it feel that I was feeding the 5000. This year our Agriculture student from ESA Angers is a male which is great that we don't have a teenage french girl on a faddy diet but it means that I have an extra big lad to feed, that's not too keen on anything green.
Easter Saturday using my giant creuset I piled in goat chops then layered sliced onions and sliced potatoes, seasoning each layer with salt & pepper. Then just boiling water half way up the pan and I cooked it around 17o degrees for about two & half hours taking the lid off towards the end to crisp the top layer of potatoes.
We had it with green cabbage and peas (a veg that french boys will eat) but next time I shall pickle some crunchy red cabbage.
Not difficult recipe, but it shows how versatile goat can be and if you are worried about calories it is a low fat version of a traditional favourite. Although I cooked for lots a great version would be individual hotpots with a couple of dinky goat chops per person.